1. What is the association?
Bluebonnet Baptist Association (BBA) is a cooperative group of autonomous Great Commission Baptist-affiliated churches in the Austin – San Antonio region of Texas.
2. What is the association’s purpose?
We exist for one reason only – to assist churches.
3. How does BBA assist churches?
BBA assists churches in a lot of ways, but the three priority ministries are:
Assisting churches in starting new churches.
Assisting churches in church health and revitalization.
Assisting churches in equipping church leaders.
4. What specific things does BBA do in these three priority areas?
Please look under our “About” tab on the menu and click on the “What We Do” (or click here) page for this detailed description.
5. How is the association funded?
As a true cooperative, BBA is funded by the member churches who benefit from the association’s ministry. Each member church decides how it wants to contribute to the association. Most give a set percentage of their undesignated tithes and offerings; some give a fixed monthly amount.
6. How is the association governed and managed?
BBA holds an Annual Meeting each October to which the churches send their messengers (delegates). The messengers approve the annual budget and elect the officers of the association. Outside of the annual meeting, the association is governed by an Executive Board made up of senior pastors of BBA churches, plus up to two other board members elected by each church. Underneath the Executive Board are two teams: The Mission Coordinating Team, which oversees the ministries of the association to make sure we carry out our mission of assisting churches; and the Administrative Team, which oversees the finances and other business matters of the association. The Executive Board employs an Executive Director to lead and manage all aspects of the association’s work.
7. How does a church join BBA?
The church sends a petitionary letter to the Executive Director stating the church’s desire for membership. The Executive Director schedules a time for the Administrative Team to meet with leaders of the petitioning church. The Administrative Team then brings a recommendation to the messengers at the next Annual Meeting regarding the church’s petition for membership. |
8. What is expected of a member church in BBA?
It is expected that member churches will support the work of the association through regular financial contributions and regular participation.
9. What authority does BBA have over the member churches?
None. Each church is autonomous and governs its own affairs. BBA has the right to determine membership standards for the association, but has no authority over any constituted church.
10. Is BBA a 501c3 tax exempt organization?
Yes. The association has a group 501c3 exemption from the IRS which covers the association and all member churches. Each member church is entitled to use the association’s 501c3 status which alleviates the need for individual churches to go through this laborious process themselves. However, participation in the group 501c3 exemption does not mean the association has governing authority over any church. Contributions to BBA from individuals are tax-deductible.
11. How can I find out more about BBA?
Contact our Executive Director, Robby Partain, at 830-629-7674.